Pre-employment medical examination
1. Physical Examination and medical history
2. Visual Acuity (Snellen’s and Jaeger’s charts)
3. Complete Blood Count
4. Routine Urinalysis (10 parameters)
5. Routine Fecalysis – Food Handlers only
6. Blood Typing (A,B,O and Rh factor)
7. Dental Check-up
8. Optical Check-up/Ishihara
9. Audiometry
10. Pulmonary Function Test/Spirometry
11. ECG
12. Psychological Examination
13. Hba1C
14. HIV 1 & 2
15. Hepatitis A (Anti-HAV IgM)
16. Hepatitis B (HBs-Ag)
17. Hepatitis C (Anti-HCV)
18. Digital Chest X-ray (PA view)
19. Total Cholesterol (HDL/LDL)
20. Triglycerides
22. Creatinine
23. BUA (Blood Uric Acid)
24. Cardiac Profile
25. Ultrasound:
26. KUB (Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary Bladder) Liver, Gallbladder, Hepato-biliary tree
27. Drug Screening (Methamphetamine, Cannabinoids)
28. RPR (Syphilis screening)
29. Pregnancy Test for female applicants (extra cost $5)